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Thema: Pannolini Lines

  1. #1

    Pannolini Lines


    anyone have an image of the diaper PANNOLINI FATER LINES in size 19-35kg? This diaper was produced in Italy in the early 1990's and late 1980's. I would like to see an image of this diaper and it packaging. If anyone has please post.


  2. #2
    Senior Member

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    RE: Pannolini Lines

    I think I have half a pack of them left, I'll try to make some photos next weekend.
    I bought them around '96 in Rome.

    I'm not 100% sure if the name matches, but I think it's right

  3. #3

    RE: Pannolini Lines

    Original von timg

    anyone have an image of the diaper PANNOLINI FATER LINES in size 19-35kg? This diaper was produced in Italy in the early 1990's and late 1980's. I would like to see an image of this diaper and it packaging. If anyone has please post.

    Hi - Still looking for pics of this diaper. Does anyone have, please PM me.


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