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Thema: Save Fail

  1. #21
    Trusted Member Avatar von Luci

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    Hey there,
    oh my...I guess someone just got too involved in something ^^ Let me get that straight: Save was not able to send the demanded Dildo so you got a BETTER version which you are reluctant to use. Now after a lot of trouble Save offered you a sticker to send the item back but you refuse to...because it is not "neutral"...Well, I guess Save did what they could. So why don't you just send the package to them? Is your mum working in the post-office or what is the problem in sending something that has the word Dildo on it.
    I am pretty sure that Save won't accept the shipment bill as they send you a return label. Probably the package will be send back to you (as it is more than twice the shipping costs to do so). Then you have to take care of it.

    Anyway, I never experienced any problems like this. I guess it's just bad luck and lack of communication that led you there.

    Anyway, have a great day.


  2. #22
    Come on guys, are you married to that shop? Why do you defend them?

    They mentioned "dildo" on purpose just to bother an annoying client...

    Anyway, just cancel that word or paint over with some big marker pen and send the item back

  3. #23
    Another example of AB/DL behaving like children and not grown ups.

  4. #24
    He has done it Yay! Finally in the closing hours he has finally send a label without the mentioning of the word dildo on it. Thank you save express!

  5. #25
    Matschkind Avatar von teddibär

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    I guess you have to work on your self-esteem
    If I were you, I would not have the slightest worries about what others think when they see the word 'dildo' on the label. Guess what, post offices and customs have seen it all and then some. There is really no reason to be ashamed.

    Happy Easter!

  6. #26
    Hi, it's been a while but still no progress.

    The wrongfully sent dildo has been returned but save express refuses to refund the money they scammed out of me. What have you "save express fans" got to say to that?

    Oh and as far as the self esteem goes, the post office is in a supermarket where my niece works. You want to show your niece who doesn't know you are gay knowing you buy dildo's? Be my guest but I choose not to if you don't mind.

  7. #27
    Trusted Member

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    we all know, that Save's customer service is not perfect. Some may even say, it sucks big time. You are not the first one to report that.

    So, if you are unhappy with them, dont order with them again.
    I am aware that customer service and refunds are difficult with them, but I still like the great choice and good prices. So, all the stuff, where I dont expect any issues, I will order with them.

    For all the other stuff, I use Amazon.

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