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Thema: 'Forever Young' AB film

  1. #1

    'Forever Young' AB film

    Hi everyone,

    Apologies for posting this in several of the forums but I wasn’t sure of the best one and thought I’d cover all bases!

    I have spoken and emailed with a few of the munch organizers across Germany who advised this would be the best place to reach you all and get in contact!

    I am writing from a UK production company called Minnow films who for the past 6 months or so have been making a documentary film about AB’s/DL’s in the UK . This film looks at the community in a very sensitive and intelligent manner (something which Minnow are renowned for) and the real objective is to change the way that we have seen AB’s in past media. I feel previous examples have been quite negative , sensationalized and extreme, often isolating individuals and this film aims to ‘normalise’, following everyday individuals from all walks of life who can express in their own words what their AB side gives them. It has so far been a very positive experience for all involved and will hopefully address some of the stigma attached to the AB scene here in the UK. Here is a link to the minnow website

    As part of this we have been to the US already with some Brits but I am also keen to show more international AB’s and particularly the German community as its so encouraging that the social meet up side of things is very active, unlike the UK.
    Ideally I would be looking to get in touch with some AB’s/ DL’s who would be open to speaking briefly about the German community and then taking a trip over to Germany and leading us to see some of the bigger meet ups that go on- such as Windelfreizeit and the many munches that happen locally.

    If we were to go with someone to such an event anyone else at said event (if it was a possibility of course) would not be identified directly, the real purpose would be to show the numbers and that there is a busy and active scene rather than individual stories in depth- which we are covering in the UK. I feel these kind of events are a very positive example of the social side and show just how many people are in the community which will help to educate the public but also those who are feeling lost and alone in the scene. In terms of exposure, it is for UK broadcast so unlike the Brits we have involved it wont be viewed in Germany or unlikely seen over there by many unless actively sought out. I would be really keen to speak to anyone to explain further and see how we may be able to explore Germany in some way and help show a rounded view of ABDL’s. Please say hello on the details below and hopefully I will speak to some of you soon.

    I do apologise for writing this message in English (I doubt my poor attempt at German would be appreciated!) but equally as I am looking really to get in touch with people who can converse in English for the project it seems fitting!



    NB: Apologies to anyone who may not wish to be involved with anything of this nature and takes any offence, this is not at all my intention and please feel free to move on and ignore this message if this is the case. For those who do wish to find out more, speak out positively about the AB world in a small way and the German community I look forward to hearing from you.

  2. #2

    schauen Sie auch mal auf vorbei, Windeltranse wäre besonders sensationell, die lassen auch am besten alles mit sich machen nach etwas Cash unter der Hand.....

    LG J.

    Auch schon mal bei in USA nachgefragt, die ist auch sehr zeigefreudig.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar von pianoblack

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    wird jetzt hier das Forum damit zugespammt?

    Und hatten wir nicht soetwas in der Art schonmal hier?

    Ich gebs zu, ich habe nicht den kompletten Text gelesen. Für mich klingt das ein wenig sehr komisch

  4. #4
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    RE: 'Forever Young' AB film

    Original von Minnowfilms
    Ideally I would be looking to get in touch with some AB’s/ DL’s who would be open to speaking briefly about the German community and then taking a trip over to Germany and leading us to see some of the bigger meet ups that go on- such as Windelfreizeit and the many munches that happen locally.
    Dear Annabelle,

    as one of the organisers of the Windelfreizeit, I have to tell you, that it won't be possible to visit this event with a film team.
    As I described in my email to you, our guests appreciate the privacy of the event very much and expect to be in a private space without any external guests, that do not live the AB/DL lifestyle themselves.

    All the best to you. I like your project and looking forward to watch the final documentary. But for the team of WIndelfreizeit, we have to deny any request of being involved in your project.


  5. #5
    Ich meine, der lieben Annabelle sollte man schon sehr deutlich sagen, dass Aufnahmen - gleich welcher Art - bei der WF absolut
    *** v e r b o t e n***

  6. #6
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    Ich glaube, das habe ich getan,

  7. #7
    @linus @Phillip
    I respect that completely, of course. Perhaps instead it would be good to find a way to explain these events exist and that the social community is very active!

    I would still love to hear from people in any way, to see if we can show the German side of things in any way, so it's good to talk to people, to see what is and what is not possible.....

    Either way I want to stop a lot of the stigma that is attached to the AB world and make it more accessible and understandable. To correct all the false assumptions and associations made and make something positive for a change!
    The best way to do this is showing normal people who live normal lives and have normal lives. Most of the people I have met are like this, and not at all similar to the 'extreeme' AB's I see on TV.



  8. #8
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    Original von Minnowfilms
    @linus @Phillip
    I respect that completely, of course. Perhaps instead it would be good to find a way to explain these events exist and that the social community is very active!
    THanks for your understanding, How do you think, you can do that without showing the events itself. YOu are the film expert. So if you can give us some ideas, it is easier to judge,

  9. #9

    i would advise

    if those people are interested (as they claim) they could get involved without camera - maybe to get the intended "insights" this way ?

    get some nappies on folks ;-))

    greez lr

    edit : ... and leave the camera at home & wait for next year ?

  10. #10
    Annabelle, what about organizing a little Windelfreizeit especially for the Minnowfilms??

    So: only people will come to this special Windelfreizeit, which are aware of being filmed!

    And Minnowfilms can bring some british ABs as a "attraction" - to make some "international AB/DL scene discussions" there on this Windelfreizeit :-)

  11. #11
    Sorry for the delay- was having a think!

    Thats a great idea @beebee. Perhaps organising it on here, although i may need advice from some of you where and how would be best!

    Yes I think thats exactly how I see it- bringing our British AB's out and hopefully they can engage with a few internationals and we can include a discussion about the differences. I think for any Germans that would be interested in involving themselves this would be a very minimal contribution and to be perfectly honest as its a UK programme, pretty discreet, but equally a really strong message for the film.

    In terms of the original Windelfreizeit I will have a think- I guess really what it was that would be great about that is just doing very wide and non specific shots of the numbers there, perhaps some organisers as well, which wouldn't really put anyone in a position of being 'exposed' because of it being so general. But I see your point that the real issue is that its a spontaneous event in a way so its difficult to clear us being there at all even if it was an option......

    Thank you all for being so helpful and I appreciate any advice/ any ways you may be able to help spread the message to find the right people who may be able to help!

    A x

  12. #12
    diaperkrauts *rofl*

  13. #13
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    Thank you for this great piece of work.

  14. #14

    several thoughts, just without an order (merely a brainstorming):

    - you could make interviews with organizers of the Windelfreizeit about how the idea of such an event was born and how were the experiences of the past years (if there are any organizers who like to be interviewed)

    - I myself like the idea of "special Minnowfilms windelfreizeit" and would try to join it as a participant (not organizer)

    - it might be helpfull if you, Annabelle, explain to the wb-community what is your personal interest why to engage to such a kind of informational, non-sensational, film production and whether you are into any kink yourself or just have empathy for ABs; as well as telling us how the idea about concentration to this topic has been born

    - please be aware that there is not necessarily "the" german ab/dl scene; but there might be different subscenes of ab/dl (only one subscene concentrating to this and maybe some other forums' members and their friends is visiting the windelfreizeit and the local groups that are annoncing here) sometimes not even knowing each other - I know this typical misunderstanding very well from other scenes that might be called "the" scene, e.g. "the" s/m scene, "the" lesbian scene, "the" sexworker scene, "the" sexdoll lovers etc. and if you take a closer look, there are very different sub-scenes (as well as individuals outside the scenes) with really enormous differences in their own self-understanding! So for really being seriously informative, you should explicitely mention this dilemma in the film itself, explaining that you cannot generalize your report to all AB/DL, but only to those AB/DL that you met in the context of ...., while others might be totally different. Otherwise, you'll risk that your film helps some (groups of) AB/DL to be better understood, but some other (groups of) AB/DL to be even more misunderstood because a generalisation doesn't fit their own situation at all.

    Best regards, Sara

  15. #15
    Original von sara
    I know this typical misunderstanding very well from other scenes that might be called "the" scene, e.g. "the" s/m scene, "the" lesbian scene, "the" sexworker scene, "the" sexdoll lovers etc. and if you take a closer look, there are very different sub-scenes (as well as individuals outside the scenes) with really enormous differences in their own self-understanding!
    Hello Sara,

    And many scenes are overlapping. The overlapping between transgender and AB/DL is quite interessting, also SM and AB/DL. But everybody has a different self definition, as you wrote before.

    LG Jasmina

  16. #16
    Trusted Member Avatar von Bongo

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    Sara, I wouldn't go as far as supposing Annabelle has a personal interest in ABs. I'd say the reason for making this documentary was primarily that Channel 4 commissioned it.
    Anyway... It's been filmed and broadcast by now, so it's a bit late for suggestions. But if you're curious, you can watch it on Youtube.
    See this thread here, which includes a link for the video:
    Schöne Doku zum Thema

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  17. #17
    Senior Member Avatar von Jona Windeltiger

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    Original von sara
    - you could make interviews with organizers of the Windelfreizeit about how the idea of such an event was born and how were the experiences of the past years (if there are any organizers who like to be interviewed)
    Even though I don't like the idea of an organizer explicitly named as "Staff of Windelbabys-Community diaper camp" being interviewed by mainstream TV. For me, WBC is a save heaven for the community itself so we should not bring this community/this forum into the light of the general public. When I still was a member of the WBC team my colleagues agreed with me and we decided upon these rules: Erwähnen der WBC gegenüber Medien

    I think the diaper camp staff has and will always keep this arguments in mind.
    "The old place hasn't changed... apart from the artwork. - A change of system entails new art."
    "[laughing] Hopefully more than that."

  18. #18
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    Original von Jona Windeltiger
    For me, WBC is a save heaven for the community itself so we should not bring this community/this forum into the light of the general public. When I was still a member of the WBC team my colleagues agreed with me and we decided upon these rules: Erwähnen der WBC gegenüber Medien
    First rule of WBC

  19. #19
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    Original von Eldi
    Original von Jona Windeltiger
    For me, WBC is a save heaven for the community itself so we should not bring this community/this forum into the light of the general public. When I was still a member of the WBC team my colleagues agreed with me and we decided upon these rules: Erwähnen der WBC gegenüber Medien
    First rule of WBC
    Where is the 'like'-button

  20. #20
    Ich bin mal so frei und poste ihre Antwort auf meine Mail, da sie genausogut an alle gerichtet sein könnte:

    "Hi xxxx,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, thank you so much for your kind words

    I'm really glad you enjoyed it and feel it reflected and represented AB's well. I have been working with the community and researching for several years and so it was lovely to have finally got there. We were really determined to present a programme which managed to balance truth and real life whilst changing the way that I felt AB's had been shown in the media before (which was very negative and also very limited!).
    I know its impossible to please everyone so I am glad to know that yourselves and others received the programme well and very thankful for all the help and support I received from the community at all levels (even research or brief conversations) without which we would not have been able to make the programme at all!

    Thanks again and I hope it helps to open peoples eyes and show a different side to AB's!


    Ich probier mich mal an ner Übersetzung:

    "Hallo xxxx,

    Entschuldige bitte die verspätete Antwort, vielen Dank für deine lieben Worte

    Ich freue mich sehr, dass der Film dir gefallen hat und denke, dass er das AB-sein bestmöglich reflektiert, repräsentiert und ausgedrückt hat. Schon einige Jahre arbeite und recherchiere ich in und mit den Communitys an dem Thema und es ist wunderbar, dass wir es endlich geschafft haben.
    Es war uns sehr wichtig eine Sendung herzustellen, die es einerseits schafft Wahrheit und Realität zu zeigen und andererseits die Perspektive verändert, mit denen AB's bis jetzt in den Medien gezeigt wurden (also wie ich finde sehr negativ und aus einem limitierten Blickwinkel!).
    Ich weiß, dass es unmöglich ist es jedem Recht zu machen, doch ich bin froh und stolz, dass die Sendung gut bei dir und einigen anderen angekommen ist und bin außerdem sehr dankbar für all die Hilfe und die Unterstützung, die ich von der Community in allen Bereichen erhalten habe (auch Nachforschungen oder Briefliche Konversationen), ohne die es uns nicht möglich gewesen wäre die Sendung herzustellen!

    Nochmals vielen Dank und ich hoffe es wird helfen den Leuten die Augen bzgl. AB's zu öffnen und ihnen eine andere Seite von ihnen zu präsentieren.

    Hochachtungsvoll (:P),


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