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Thema: Windeln tragen ist gesund ;-) (2 interessante Artikel)

  1. #1

    Windeln tragen ist gesund ;-) (2 interessante Artikel)

    Habe beim Stöbern im www folgende zwei Artikel entdeckt: ist wohl

    Readers Story Wearing Nappies
    Nappies seriously manage your health: by Seann Odoms


    Updated: June 6, 2006

    Go on, laugh! What a weirdo! It is such a controversial statement. But, maybe it is not so contentious.

    I am not medically qualified, but can only relate my experience and educated observations. I am an adult who wears diapers. I took a considered decision on practical and, to my mind, scientific grounds. I am not diagnostically incontinent nor is there any fetish or sexual motive involved. This is nothing to do with children. If you have an alternative agenda, please go away! The issue is medical incontinence pads (i.e. diapers/nappies) for adults and all products are easily acquired from chemists or online.

    For years I had a painfully severe bowel disorder, causing inter alia incontinence, and finally took to wearing adult nappies 24/7 during 2 months of acute suffering. ....Suddenly I recovered. There was no other possible catalyst. The complaint was cured by diapers. Why?

    It is purely biological. I handed my body back to nature.

    When animals (and we are animals) need to urinate or defecate they do it on impulse; they exercise no control. Nature has ordained that, for the sake of health, bowel & bladder muscles by default expel urine and faeces. Clearly Nature has decided that retention of waste is harmful to the body. A conscious effort is needed to hold it.

    So, what are we doing when we toilet-train children or even pets?

    We are reversing natures plan.

    Suddenly the bladder and sphincter muscles are re-conditioned to retain the waste by default, with a conscious effort required to expel it.

    This cannot be good for our health.

    In regular peristalsis, your gut digests all the beneficial properties of your food and expels the rest via the colon. But, if you "hold" faeces you create a tailback, the food stays in the gut longer and the system digests other elements more harmful to your health. It is no surprise then that, of all illnesses suffered by humans, the most common are bowel-associated, while, by comparison, animals rarely suffer bowel disorders. To my knowledge this is also true of pre-potty babies.

    Clearly we cannot urinate or defecate in the street. Nor has the faecal catheter been invented yet. So the only sensible alternative is for everyone to wear diapers until an alternative appears. Eventually, you will "un-toilet-train" yourself, and your gastric system will return to normal.

    Wearing diapers regularly, I find they are more comfortable than conventional underwear, even in bed.

    Moreover, they are much more convenient. You never need to look for a toilet or, having found one, take a further health risk using uncleaned and unhygienic facilities. You do not have to break concentration at work to visit the toilet. You never need to miss that crucial part of a game, film or concert to visit the loo.

    The only drawback to wearing diapers is occasional odour which can be masked by PVC pants. Nappy rash will appear in the early stages, but will dissipate quickly as your body becomes accustomed to nappies. Any embarrassment factor is only the by-product of social conformity. In a Cartesian, democratic society, who has the right to complain if nobody else is adversely affected by your diaper? What is there to be embarrassed about if there is no sexual or psychological undertone?

    I repeat, talk to someone else if you are after something kinky. Diapers are nothing other than a more practical and healthy form of underwear. They are the safe and healthy way of living.

    Seann Odoms may be contacted at

    Docs advise diapers over public loos
    Sunday, February 11, 2007 21:18 IST

    Dr Dipak Chatterjee

    Public toilets without continuous supply of clean water, proper ventilation (at least one ventilator), and drainage can cause a lot of distress to the user. Bad smell, originating out of unclean loos, can cause nausea. Puddles of water can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes and lead to diseases such as malaria and dengue.

    Scrubbing the toilet bowl only once in seven days (as per the BMC guidelines) can make toilet-users — especially women — vulnerable to a host of infections. The chief and most common among them is urinary infection.

    Here, women need to be most careful. Those with severe bladder or liver-related problems should use adult diapers instead of using a public toilet frequently. This may be a costly way out, but it certainly is the safer way out.

    As it is, the city is burdened with more than it can bear. This is the reason why infections spread across the city so rapidly. Here are some severe infections that one can contract from using unclean public toilets:

    * Syphilis
    * Gonorrhea
    * Pruritus
    * Urinary infection

    Health hazard: Scrubbing the toilet bowl only once in seven days (as per BMC guidelines) makes toilet-users vulnerable to a host of infections

    Why would you not use a public toilet?

    * 70 % Unhygienic
    * 21 % Unsafe
    * 9 % Untraceable

  2. #2
    aaaalsoooo, ich darf hoffentlich auf deutsch schreiben?

    Artikel Nr. 1 hat einige markante Mängel. Je nach Tierart lernen die Viecher sehr wohl Reinlichkeit, vor allem bei Katzentieren kann man auch in freier Wildbahn beobachten, daß die nicht in ihren Ausscheidungen schlafen bzw. aufstehen und suchen, um einen Kack- oder Pißplatz zu finden. Die verbuddeln ihre Exkremente, das ist eine ganz gezielte Sache. Wobei unsere näheren Verwandten tatsächlich hemmungslos wirken - meistens haben Schimpansen 'ne Windel um wenn sie in häuslicher Umgebung leben, kennt man ja aus Fernsehberichten. Katzen sind da wesentlich pflegeleichter, hat auch seinen Grund, denn die sind drauf angewiesen, daß sie bei der Jagd nicht stinken, sonst ist die Beute schnell weg. Affen als Pflanzenfresser brauchen keine Angst haben, daß ihr Obst abhaut. Was die Wohnung betrifft, bin ich ganz froh, daß nicht jeder einfach überall hinmacht, ich hab nämlich 'ne empfindliche Nase.

    Ansonsten: pro Windel, ganz klare Sache

  3. #3
    Kann ich leider nicht lesen, das der Artikel auf Englisch ist und ich kein Elitestudent bin der 5 Fremdsprachen beherrscht. Bitte das nächste mal in deutsch posten, es vorher übersetzen oder besser gleich bleiben lassen...

  4. #4
    Original von Pampersfuchs
    Kann ich leider nicht lesen, das der Artikel auf Englisch ist und ich kein Elitestudent bin der 5 Fremdsprachen beherrscht. Bitte das nächste mal in deutsch posten, es vorher übersetzen oder besser gleich bleiben lassen...
    Jetzt mach' dir deswegen mal net gleich die Hose voll Pampersfuchs! Ich hab auch kein Diplom und leb' von Hartz-IV (maximal noch einen Monat, endlich hab ich einen Arbeitsvertrag, der auch paßt...).

    Für Dich schreib' ich grad mal eine deutsche Inhaltsangabe (den ganzen Text krieg ich dann doch net übersetzt, aber der Sinngehalt ist mir zu 100% klar)

    Beitrag Nr. 1 ist der Bericht eines Windelträgers, der die Windeln aufgrund einer mehrmonatigen Darmerkrankung kennengelernt hat und zu dem Schluß kam, daß das spontane strullen und kacken ein völlig natürlicher Vorgang bei allen Tieren sei, und somit empfindet er unser Toilettentraining als krankhaft. Dauerwindeltragen ist für ihn eine Art, zurück zur Natur zu finden. Für ihn bedeutet das willentliche zurückhalten von Fäkalien, dem Körper zu verbieten, sich von Giften zu trennen, was unserer Gesundheit schadet.

    Da wir Windeln als einzige Möglichkeit haben, spontan überall alles "gehenlassen" zu können, ist die Windel für ihn die Lösung. Er findet Windeln auch viel bequemer als normale Unterwäsche. Er behauptet, mit den Windeln keinen Fetisch zu verbinden.

    Beitrag Nr. 2 spricht sich gegen öffentliche Toiletten ohne permanent fließendes Wasser aus. Öffentliche Toiletten seien eine Brutstätte für Infektionen aller Art (sind aufgelistet, die werde ich jetzt nicht übersetzen, die sind auch für rein deutschsprachige Personen verständlich denke ich), weswegen es für Personen mit empfindlicher Blase oder geschädigter Leber empfehlenswert sei, statt öffentlicher Toiletten Windeln zu benutzen. Gerade Frauen seien gefährdet (ich nehme an, er bezieht sich auf die Tatsache, daß Frauen sich fast immer auf den Klo setzen müssen, egal was sie grad müssen). Der Autor spricht von "BMC guidelines", die besagen, daß Toiletten nur einmal alle 7 Tage gereinigt werden müssen.

    Zu Beitrag 1 sage ich nur, da will jemand nicht wahrhaben, daß es ihn "erwischt" hat, und sucht Ausreden für seine Windelei. Ich sage: Windeln sind was feines, steht doch einfach dazu

    Zu Beitrag 2 vermute ich, daß es in Amerika tatsächlich Hygienevorschriften gibt, die zu wünschen übrig lassen. Was "BMC guidelines" sind, weiß ich leider nicht. Ich stimme dem aber uneingeschränkt zu, daß ich Windeln wesentlich hygienischer als öffentiche Klos finde, da sich darin ja keine fremden Mikroben befinden, die sind alle von mir und können mich daher nicht mit irgendwas infizieren, was ich nicht eh schon habe.

    Alle Klarheiten beseitigt?

    schrittgepolsterte Grüßis aus Takatukaland


  5. #5
    Trusted Member Avatar von Bongo

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    also den artikel mit dem typ mit der darmerkrankung hab ich schon vor nem jahr oder so mal irgendwo gelesen. fand den recht amüsant. und halte es auch für nen ziemlichen schmarrn. stimme hosenmatz zu: das is sicher nur ne besonders doofe ausrede für nen windelfetisch oder für faulheit (nicht aufs klo gehen wollen).

    imagine whirled peas ...

    check out these awesome groups: Nintendo Fanboys & -girls * Retro Gaming

  6. #6
    Senior Member

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    Was den Artikel betrifft stimme ich Bongo und hosenmatz zu, die Erklärungen und Rechtfertigungen wirken etwas hanebüchen (schreibt man das so? ^^)

    Zu Larve und Pampersfuchs muss ichsagen, dass ich euer Verhalten etwas *censored* finde.

    Larve: Es gibt, wie du wohl mittlerweile gank Ginni festgestellt haben wirst eine "International section" im Forum, die es möglich macht sich auch in englischer Sprache zu verständigen und Beiträge oder Links zu posten, deren Inhalt in englischer Sprache verfasst ist. Zu dem Smiley in deinem Inhalt kann ich also nur sagen: fass dir doch mal selbst an die eigene Nase.
    Es wäre okay gewesen zu sagen, dass der Beitrag im Falschen Unterforum steht, aber deine Beleidungen (ja ich finde ein Smiley, der ein Schild hochhält auf dem das Wort Deppenalarm steht ist eine Beleidungen), war nievaulos und unnötig.

    Pampersfuchs: Das Thema war, als du geantwortet hast bereits in der "International Section", also weiß ich gar nicht warum du willst dass man Dinge auf deutsch posten soll oder es bleiben lassen soll, nur weil du nicht alles auf anhieb verstehst. Letzteres hätte nämlich bedeutet, dass zumindest mir dieser Artikel nie aufgefallen wäre. Ergo, wenn ich etwas nicht lesen kann soll es auch nie jemand zu Gesucht bekommen, dass war der Tonus deines beitrages. Etwas egoistisch findest du nicht?

  7. #7
    Träger des blauen Klebestreifens Avatar von elasan

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    die Quelle des 2. Beitrages liegt in Indien, am wahrscheinlichsten in Mumbai (Bombay). Das scheint mir auch realistischer als in den USA. Da gibt es doch genügend Leute, die lieber den ganzen Hoover-Staudamm leerspülen (lassen), als ein unsauberes Örtchen vorzufinden. Kann aber regional unterschiedlich sein.
    Beste Grüße,
    Richtige Unterwäsche hat Klebestreifen.

  8. #8
    Ja das ist sicherlich richtig das es Brutstätten sind man muss denke ich schön ein Cremen und einpudern doch denke ich das hygiene sehr wichtig ist.

  9. #9

    Lightbulb Re Windeln tragen ist gesund

    Ich sehe an diesem Thema im Moment keinen Grund mich darüber
    zu äussern. Suche die Gründe dies Verstehen zu können?
    Meinen Beitrag auf die Toilette gehen zu können als das
    Geschäft in die Windeln zu machen ist vom Verstand die bessere
    Lösung als die Natur und Wohnung zu verschmutzen. Und jede
    Schulische gegebne Benotung der Fünf Landessprachen hat
    man jedem doch gegeben lg Micratiker

  10. #10
    Trusted Member

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    Liebe Mods, löscht doch bitte hier mal das Off Topic.
    In der Englischsprachigen Section auf deutsch zu diskutieren, warum wer wie wo nicht Englisch spricht ist nun reichlich sinnlos.

  11. #11
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    Liebe Mods, löscht doch bitte hier mal das Off Topic.
    In der Englischsprachigen Section auf deutsch zu diskutieren, warum wer wie wo nicht Englisch spricht ist nun reichlich sinnlos.

  12. #12
    Trusted Member

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    Liebe Mods, löscht doch bitte hier mal das Off Topic.
    In der Englischsprachigen Section auf deutsch zu diskutieren, warum wer wie wo nicht Englisch spricht ist nun reichlich sinnlos.

  13. #13
    WBC Fördermitglied 2024 Avatar von annie

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    Hi to all english speaking People out there

    I agree with Linus that we should speak about the two articles. I have read these articles i think two years ago, and my conclusio was that everyone should wear diapers because he likes it. You should not try to blame it on the design of nature. nature however had designed most of us with the ability to hold pee and we shoud not deny it, But I agree it can be relaxing and can cure problems with your body to forget about all the control you learned as a child. But there are also situations where the control helps us and makes live easier for us.


  14. #14
    WBC Fördermitglied 2024 Avatar von annie

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    Hi to all english speaking People out there

    I agree with Linus that we should speak about the two articles. I have read these articles i think two years ago, and my conclusio was that everyone should wear diapers because he likes it. You should not try to blame it on the design of nature. nature however had designed most of us with the ability to hold pee and we shoud not deny it, But I agree it can be relaxing and can cure problems with your body to forget about all the control you learned as a child. But there are also situations where the control helps us and makes live easier for us.


  15. #15
    WBC Fördermitglied 2024 Avatar von annie

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    Hi to all english speaking People out there

    I agree with Linus that we should speak about the two articles. I have read these articles i think two years ago, and my conclusio was that everyone should wear diapers because he likes it. You should not try to blame it on the design of nature. nature however had designed most of us with the ability to hold pee and we shoud not deny it, But I agree it can be relaxing and can cure problems with your body to forget about all the control you learned as a child. But there are also situations where the control helps us and makes live easier for us.


  16. #16
    Not enough threads from 2011 that you have to dig out this old stuff O.o?
    The first article is just irrational, nearly all mammals use their excrements for something, marking territory, attract others, etc. and they do it at special points. Nobody can tell me its a biorythm to shit every day at the same four trees to mark them, so its natural to hold it for some time.

    But because we humans are beyond normal evolution, living in a society, we have decided that unloading crap in public areas is undecent and for real, it stinks(thats why I can't get it, that dogs and other pooping animals are alowed in citys).
    Peeing in diapers is a fetish or for some people necessary, but its far from normal to sit in your own shit, even animals who don't hold it, won't do such nasty things^^...

    the second article is just manifestation of reality, how many guys are going to pee at a public toilet O.o?
    if there is a tree, I can pee.
    you see a pit, I even can shit.
    copyright by DL_Dude
    Every decission is unhygienic, not wash your hands or touching the door by leaving...

    and for women, their toilets stink more than those of men, must be terrible to pee standing up for not touching a dirty toilet, without something to target. According to my knowledgebase, many of them hold it till their bladder is nearly exploding and some are peeing in the forrest too, back on tree, beacause of unhygienic toilets. I have heard about the phenomenon, that some even can't pee, when their bladder is full and the toilet is too dirty...

    hope my english isn't to bad, mostly i'm chatting with people from other countries and their english isn't better^^...

  17. #17
    Not enough threads from 2011 that you have to dig out this old stuff O.o?
    The first article is just irrational, nearly all mammals use their excrements for something, marking territory, attract others, etc. and they do it at special points. Nobody can tell me its a biorythm to shit every day at the same four trees to mark them, so its natural to hold it for some time.

    But because we humans are beyond normal evolution, living in a society, we have decided that unloading crap in public areas is undecent and for real, it stinks(thats why I can't get it, that dogs and other pooping animals are alowed in citys).
    Peeing in diapers is a fetish or for some people necessary, but its far from normal to sit in your own shit, even animals who don't hold it, won't do such nasty things^^...

    the second article is just manifestation of reality, how many guys are going to pee at a public toilet O.o?
    if there is a tree, I can pee.
    you see a pit, I even can shit.
    copyright by DL_Dude
    Every decission is unhygienic, not wash your hands or touching the door by leaving...

    and for women, their toilets stink more than those of men, must be terrible to pee standing up for not touching a dirty toilet, without something to target. According to my knowledgebase, many of them hold it till their bladder is nearly exploding and some are peeing in the forrest too, back on tree, beacause of unhygienic toilets. I have heard about the phenomenon, that some even can't pee, when their bladder is full and the toilet is too dirty...

    hope my english isn't to bad, mostly i'm chatting with people from other countries and their english isn't better^^...

  18. #18
    Not enough threads from 2011 that you have to dig out this old stuff O.o?
    The first article is just irrational, nearly all mammals use their excrements for something, marking territory, attract others, etc. and they do it at special points. Nobody can tell me its a biorythm to shit every day at the same four trees to mark them, so its natural to hold it for some time.

    But because we humans are beyond normal evolution, living in a society, we have decided that unloading crap in public areas is undecent and for real, it stinks(thats why I can't get it, that dogs and other pooping animals are alowed in citys).
    Peeing in diapers is a fetish or for some people necessary, but its far from normal to sit in your own shit, even animals who don't hold it, won't do such nasty things^^...

    the second article is just manifestation of reality, how many guys are going to pee at a public toilet O.o?
    if there is a tree, I can pee.
    you see a pit, I even can shit.
    copyright by DL_Dude
    Every decission is unhygienic, not wash your hands or touching the door by leaving...

    and for women, their toilets stink more than those of men, must be terrible to pee standing up for not touching a dirty toilet, without something to target. According to my knowledgebase, many of them hold it till their bladder is nearly exploding and some are peeing in the forrest too, back on tree, beacause of unhygienic toilets. I have heard about the phenomenon, that some even can't pee, when their bladder is full and the toilet is too dirty...

    hope my english isn't to bad, mostly i'm chatting with people from other countries and their english isn't better^^...

  19. #19
    Trusted Member Avatar von Bongo

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    Original von DL-Dude
    Peeing in diapers is a fetish or for some people necessary, but its far from normal to sit in your own shit, even animals who don't hold it, won't do such nasty things^^...
    Actually, that's not quite correct. Just the other day I was watching some documentary about cattle. Now we all know that cows just shit all over the place without giving it a second thought. In that show they reported that when cows lie down to sleep, they don't bother to get up for a shit. they just stay put and do it. So although you may even be right in saying that animals don't sit in their shit, cows actually lie in it when they sleep.

    imagine whirled peas ...

    check out these awesome groups: Nintendo Fanboys & -girls * Retro Gaming

  20. #20
    Trusted Member Avatar von Bongo

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    Original von DL-Dude
    Peeing in diapers is a fetish or for some people necessary, but its far from normal to sit in your own shit, even animals who don't hold it, won't do such nasty things^^...
    Actually, that's not quite correct. Just the other day I was watching some documentary about cattle. Now we all know that cows just shit all over the place without giving it a second thought. In that show they reported that when cows lie down to sleep, they don't bother to get up for a shit. they just stay put and do it. So although you may even be right in saying that animals don't sit in their shit, cows actually lie in it when they sleep.

    imagine whirled peas ...

    check out these awesome groups: Nintendo Fanboys & -girls * Retro Gaming

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