Sounds like your average English teacher would have quite a laugh at this entire thread. Pointing out each others typos or messed up grammar doesn't accomplish anything, so I suggest to either take it or leave it, that is, use the English section and accept the occasional (or frequent :tongue sentence with bad grammar or stick with the German section only.

Personally, I believe there are plenty of English sites for TBs/ABs to go to and discuss any diaper-/adult baby-related topic in English (contact me for links if you wish to join). That, however, makes an entire section with discussions in English on pretty much useless to be honest. However, I can see the advantage of having an designated English section as foreign people may stop by the website and may want to ask German ABs questions about being an AB in Germany/getting stuff here or visiting the area. Otherwise, I fail to see the need to speak to German ABs in English when you may as well use a language you're more familiar with.

Just my 2 cents.
