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Thema: English Section - Come on and write!

  1. #1

    English Section - Come on and write!

    English Section - Come on and write!

    People the can not write in German, can here write in ENGLISH Language!

    Have Fun!

  2. #2
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    And you think, someone will write something in English here? I hate English!!!!

    OK, Bye Bye

  3. #3
    man can try it ! (?)

  4. #4
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    I have always wondered how many of your members are more or less fluent in English. I tend to answer and post in German because it gives me some practice. I live in an english speaking country and don't often have the opportunity to write German. I would like to get a general consensus of what the members think of english text because if the majority is going to be lost it seems unfair to them. I realy enjoy reading all the contributions but find the spelling of some items very poor for someone whose native language is German. It is not only in this forum that spelling is poor but of younger people in general. Some of my work colleagues are notorious for bad spelling, I don't know how half of them managed to pass out of school. A sign of the times I suppose.
    Feedback would be much appreciated. I would also be happy to do some translation as long as it's not an entire book.
    Best regards and wet thoughts

  5. #5
    WBC Fördermitglied 2024 Avatar von windel77

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    Well I schpeak English wery wel, but I koas no ned so schnell...
    Teil des WBC-Teams | Stammtisch Stuttgart | Stammtisch München

  6. #6
    Senior Member Avatar von Tilly

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    Nice idea of an english section for this forum!
    But somehow some try to mess up with special board, which is not mentioned to make fun of english :tongue:

    Well anyway, I hope to see some more english speaking users here!

  7. #7
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    Hi bernd11,

    if you want do write in English, do it! I will answer sometimes, but my English is not very well! So please write an eays english *ggg* OK, I have to go now,

    Bye Bye

  8. #8
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    Hi Bernd11

    I guess I'm one of the more fluent english speakers (oh, well, not really "speakers" but more "writers". I'm not quite as good at speaking english as at writing it). I would be glad to see some english-speaking people join up to our little community.

    Regarding the spelling mistakes in many posts: I always wondered how a native english speaker could use "where" and "were" wrongly (i.e. use one where the other should be used), along with some other common mistakes on english mails and online posts.
    Apart from that, it seems to me that even those who could write a long post without even a single spelling mistake often are too lazy to bother about such things as spelling or basic grammar when posting online (be it in emails or message board posts). In general, that is fine with me, but it can make it really hard for non-natives to understand what the poster really intended to say. That's the main reason for me to make sure my spelling and grammar is as good as possible, both in english and german posts.


  9. #9
    Senior Member Avatar von Tilly

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    @ smu you missed something! You're not the best at English!
    remember to write English with a capital E ! :tongue:
    same as German!

  10. #10
    Hi @ all English speaking people here
    I can't say that I'm a very fluent speaker but I think I'm quite good. At least in school. :tongue:
    I like the idea of this 'International Section'. It gives nearly everyone from all over the world to post here and speak with German Diaperlovers or what so ever...
    @Smu: It's right that many people here write with bad grammar and sometimes in dialect. I must admit that I do that too sometimes...but as I read your post I decided to be more careful in my next posts because you're right! We have some people here from the Netherlands or from an English-speaking country. We should at least give them a chance to understand our German :zustimm: !
    I have a question to those who speak English so well: What's the reason for it? Did you all learn it in school? Did you ever make an exchange or did you live in an English-speaking country for some time?
    Have a nice evening ,

  11. #11
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    I can schbeak English very well, bloss net so schnell, gell.

  12. #12

    I have been an exchange student to the US (Minnesota) have the Cambridge Certificate. Long before German language webpages about AB/Dl have started, I have been on American pages and had corresponce with other AB/DL.

    It was quite a relief, that I was not alone with my feelings.



  13. #13
    Original von Gewindelt
    I will answer sometimes, but my English is not very well! So please write an eays english *ggg*
    you are not alone

    my English not the best

    I have beginner course at school

  14. #14
    WBC Fördermitglied 2024 Avatar von windel77

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    I thinks it's really funny here. We should start a spanish section too
    Teil des WBC-Teams | Stammtisch Stuttgart | Stammtisch München

  15. #15

    rename into international section?

  16. #16
    Senior Member Avatar von Tilly

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    Sure you're damn right! But I think thats running into something more funny than this thread is already . Furthermore I would like to add a latin board here for all the other people who are not into English and Spanish! Makes it easier to understand for me!

    buenos dias!

    veni, vidi, vici :tongue:

  17. #17
    Hola chicos y chicas
    Estudio espagnol en el colegio Es una idioma muy bonita Hay otras personas aquí que pueden hablar espanol un poco?
    ....spanish is my favourite shool-subject
    Glaub es is in deutschen Schulen relativ seltsam...aber wenn man bei unserer Schule in BaWü den sprachlichen Zweig wählt lernt man ab der 9. Spanisch Is echt ne super Sprache

  18. #18
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    Well, some remarks from my point of view:
    To my opinion, it's a very good idea to establish an english forum. Congratulations to Maxi: Well done I think most of us learn (learned) english at school and nearly everyone should be able to understand what we write in that forum (By the way: Im not sure if "forum" is a legal english word. Maybe some of the native speakers can correct me !)

    But I believe there won't be much Threads in here, because I think there are only few
    english native speakers who read this forum. Nevertheless: Maybe we can increase the
    number of readers. Maybe the few who are already here can invite some diaper-related friends...

    One more remark. It may double our work, but I think it's fair to everyone who cannot understand english, if we translate (at least a summary) of our postings into german. Okay - maybe not necessary, maybe impossible (i.e. for the native speakers). But the others may just do it Oops. I did not want to cite Nike. My mistake

    Ein paar Bemerkungen aus meiner Sicht:
    Ich finde es eine sehr gute Idee, ein englischsprachiges Forum einzurichten. Gratulation
    an Maxi: Gute Arbeit Ich denke die meisten von uns haben Englisch gelernt bzw. lernen Englisch in der Schule. Und beinahe jeder sollte in der Lage sein, zu verstehen, was wir hier in dieses Forum schreiben (Nebenbei: Ich bin nicht sicher, ob "Forum" das richtige englische Wort ist. Vielleicht kann ein Muttersprachler mich ja berichtigen)

    Aber ich glaube, daß es hier nicht viele Threads geben wird, weil meiner Meinung nach nur wenige englische Muttersprachler dieses Forum lesen. Wie dem auch sei: Möglicherweise können wir die Zahl der Leser ja vergrößern. Möglicherweise können die Wenigen ja ein paar ihrer Windel-Freunde einladen...


  19. #19
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    Original von toby
    @ smu you missed something! You're not the best at English!
    remember to write English with a capital E ! :tongue:
    same as German!
    Didn't say I was the best at English. However I did say I'm one of the more fluent writers.
    And you also made a mistake, two actually:
    1. Sentences start with a capital letter ("same as German" isn't even a complete sentence, but still it would start with an uppercase "S").
    2. There is no space between the last character in a sentence and the following period or, in your case, exclamation mark ("... with a capital E !").

    :tongue: yourself ;-)



  20. #20
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    Original von Jochen
    I have a question to those who speak English so well: What's the reason for it? Did you all learn it in school? Did you ever make an exchange or did you live in an English-speaking country for some time?
    I learnt english in school of course (for 9 years or so), have been in GB (Bexhill on Sea, to be exact) for a month and to Denver (a small suburb actually, but I can't remember it's name) for about 3 months. However, the reason why I am a pretty fluent writer of the english language is that I simply need English at work all the time (and needed it a lot during my studies, too). However I'm no fluent speaker though I slowly but steadily get better since I started my current job. That's because we have some foreign colleagues who don't speak German (well, they learn German, but are far too shy to actually speak it), so I need to speak English to them.


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